The Management Plan

Derwent Valley Mills 2020-2025 Management Plan
The Management Plan looks at the main issues affecting the site and gives objectives and a programme of actions to ensure a co-ordinated approach and framework to its management. The plan provides the context in which those who live and work, occupy or own property in the site or the adjacent buffer zone can participate in, and contribute to, the conservation of the site. The Strategy Documents are Appendices to the Plan and are available below to download.
The adopted Plan is not prescriptive or binding on landowners and management agencies, but aims to set the framework for co-ordinated management and the development of partnerships. In this way, the Plan is intended to enhance the existing plan coverage (such as the local statutory plans and local transport plans) and will serve to inform existing and future management documents relating to the area.
The vision is to:
Create and promote a local, national and international understanding and identity for the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site as a cohesive and coherent whole, based on its global significance for all of humankind.
Visit the online version of the Management Plan here
A low res version of the Plan is available to read or download here
The Appendices of the Management Plan are available to read or download here
Appendix 1: Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
Appendix 2: Statutory and Other Designations
Appendix 3: Landscape Character
Appendix 4: Derbyshire Local Transport Plan
Appendix 5: Strategic Board and Technical Group Terms of Reference
Appendix 6: Public Arts Strategy
Appendix 7: Tourism Strategy
Appendix 8: Interpretation Strategy
Appendix 9: DVMWHS Monitoring Views 2022
Appendix 10: Stakeholder Engagement Report
Appendix 11: Relevant Appeal Decisions
Nomination Document
The Derwent Valley Mills was inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage List in December 2001. You can download a copy of our Nomination Document here: