
The select bibliography which follows has been confined in its scope to manuscript sources and printed material which illuminate the history and conservation of the nominated site. It does not include the wider ranging literature or works of fiction.
Printed Primary Sources
The Times
The Derby Mercury
Printed Secondary Sources
Set out below, or download here as pdf: DVMWHS bibliography
Arkwrights, Cromford, Masson:
1836. Arkwright and the cotton manufacture. Mirror of Literature, Amusement & Instruction, 801, 257-261.
Arkwright Society, 1971. Arkwright and the mills at Cromford. Matlock: Arkwright Society.
Arkwright Society, 1983. Arkwright: the man, his mills and the Industrial Revolution. Matlock: Arkwright Society.
Bulmer-Thomas, I., 1975. North Street, Cromford. Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society, new series, 20, 85-92.
Buxton, D. and Charlton C., 2013. Cromford Revisited. Matlock: Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Educational Trust.
Cavendish, R., 1991. Articles of association: the Arkwright Society. History Today, 41, 62-63.
Chapman, S., 2013. Peter Nightingale, Richard Arkwright and the Derwent Valley Mills. Derbyshire Archaeological Journal, 133, 166-188.
Chapman, S. D., 1981. The Arkwright Mills: Colqhoun’s census of 1788 and archaeological evidence. Industrial Archaeology Review, 6, 1, 5-27.
Cooke, A. J., 1979. Richard Arkwright and the Scottish cotton industry. Textile Industry, 10, 196-202.
Cromford Canal Society, 1975. The Cromford Canal and Leawood Pump. Matlock: Cromford Canal Society.
1980. The Cromford Mills Project. Architecture East Midlands, 87, 43-44.
Davies, J., 1816. A collection of the most important cases respecting patents of invention and the rights of patentees… London: W. Reed.
Dutton, H. I., 1984. The patent system and inventive activity during the Industrial Revolution 1750-1852. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Fisk, K., 1998. Arkwright: cotton king or spin doctor? History Today, 48, 3, 25-30.
Fitton, R. S.,1989. The Arkwrights: spinners of fortune. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Fitton, R. S. and Wadsworth, A. P., 1958. The Strutts and Arkwrights, 1758-1830. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Hewish, J., 1987. From Cromford to Chancery Lane: new light on the Arkwright patent trials. Technology & Culture, 28, 80-86.
Hills, R. L., 1979. Hargreaves, Arkwright and Crompton: why three inventors? Textile History, 10, 114-126.
Hills, R. L., 1973. Richard Arkwright and cotton spinning. London: Priory Press.
1985. Rex versus Arkwright, 25 June 1785. London: British Science Reference Library.
Rimmer, A., 1985. The Cromford and High Peak Railway. Lingfield: Oakwood Press.
Schofield, R. B., 1981. The promotion of the Cromford Canal Act of 1789: a study in canal engineering. Manchester: John Rylands University Library.
Smiles, Samuel, 1859. Self help. London: John Murray.
Swindell, K., 1999. The Cromford cotton mills: their site and location. East Midland Geographer, 22, 2, 60-69.
Swindell, K., 1965. The Arkwright cotton mills at Cromford. Journal of Industrial Archaeology, 2, 1, 13-19.
Tann, J., 1973. Richard Arkwright and technology. History, 58, 192, 29-43.
Unwin, S., and others, 1924. Samuel Oldknow and the Arkwrights. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Strutts, Belper, Milford:
Bannister, T., 1950. The first iron framed buildings. Architectural Review, 107, 231-246.
Belper Historical Society, 1971. Belper: a study of its history based on visual evidence. Belper: Belper Historical Society.
Chambers, J. D. and Barley, M. W., 1961. Industrial monuments at Milford and Belper. Archaeological Journal, 118, 236-239.
English Sewing Ltd., circa 1970. William Strutt’s fireproof ironframed North Mill, Belper, built 1803/4. Belper: English Sewing Ltd.
Farmer, A., 2004. Belper and Milford. Stroud: Tempus.
Farmer, A., 2010. Belper through time. Stroud: Amberley.
Farmer, A., 2008. The spirit of Belper: the 20th century in photographs. Ashbourne: Landmark.
Fitzgerald, R., 1988. Development of the cast iron frame in textile mills to 1850. Industrial Archaeology Review, 10, 2, 127-145.
Harte, N. B., 1975. A history of George Brettle & Co. Ltd., 1801-1964. London: University College.
Hawgood, R., 2011. Brettles of Belper: the history of a Derbyshire hosiery company and brand. Belper: Slenderella.
Holden, R. N., 1998. Stott and Sons: architects of the Lancashire cotton mill. Lancaster: Carnegie Publishing.
Johnson, H. R., and Skempton, A. W., 1955-1957. William Strutt’s cotton mills 1793-1812. Transactions of the Newcomen Society, 30, 179-205.
Power, E. G., 1999. Belper: first cotton mill town. Belper: Belper Historical Society.
Strutt, F., 1907. Jedediah Strutt. Memorials of old Derbyshire, ed J. C. Cox.
Derby and Darley Abbey
Billson, P., 1996. Derby and the Midland Railway. Derby: Breedon Books.
Butterton, H., 1996. The old Derby silk mill and its rivals: an illustrated history. Derby: H. Butterton.
Calladine, A., 1993. Lombe’s mill: an exercise in reconstruction. Industrial Archaeology Review, 16, 1, 82-99.
Chaloner, W. H., 1953. Sir Thomas Lombe 1685-1739 and the British silk industry. History Today, 3, 778-785.
Daniel, S., 1999. Joseph Wright. London: Tate Gallery.
Hutton, W., 1817. History of Derby. London: J. Nichols.
Lindsay, J., 1960. An early industrial community: the Evans’ cotton mill at Darley Abbey, Derbyshire, 1783-1810. Business History Review, 34, 3, 277-301.
Nicolson, B., 1968. Joseph Wright of Derby, painter of light (in two volumes). London: Paul Mellon Foundation for British Art.
Peters, D., 1974. Darley Abbey: from monastery to industrial community. Buxton: Moorland.
Smith, D. M., 1962. The silk industry of the East Midlands. East Midland Geographer, 3, 1, 17, 20-31.
Solkin, D. H., 1993. Painting for money: the visual arts and the public sphere in 18th century England. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
Wallis, J., 1997. Joseph Wright of Derby. Derby: Derby Museum and Art Gallery.
Williamson, F., 1936. George Sorocold of Derby. Derbyshire Archaeological Society Journal, 57, 45-93.
Davis, H., 1986. History you can see: scenes of change in Rhode Island 1790-1910. Providence, Rhode Island: Rhode Island Publications Society.
1984. Die macht der maschine: 200 jahre Cromford-Ratingen: eine ausstellung zur fruhzeit des fabrikwesens. Ratingen: Ratingen City Museum.
Fay, S., 1985. Sentimental journey to a carbon-copy Cromford: echo of Arkwright in West Germany. Matlock Mercury, 18 January 1985, 16-16.
Jeremy, D. J., 1981. Transatlantic Industrial Revolution: the diffusion of textile technologies between Britain and America, 1790-1830s. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Jeremy, D. J., 2010. Visual mechanic knowledge: the workshop drawings of Isaac Ebenezer Markham (1795-1825), New England Textile mechanic. Philedelphia: American Philosophical Society.
Montgomery, J., 1840. A practical detail of the cotton manufacture of the United States of America. Glasgow: John Niven.
Riello, G. and Parthasarathi, P., 2009. The spinning world: a global history of cotton textiles 1200-1850. Oxford: Oxford University Press and Pasold Research Fund.
Rivard, P. E., 1974. Samuel Slater: father of American manufacturers. Pawtucket: Slater Mill Historic Site.
Rivard, P. E., 1974. Samuel Slater: a short interpretive essay on Samuel Slater’s role in the birth of the American textile industry. Pawtucket: Slater Mill Historic Site.
1987. Working water: a guide to the historic landscape of the Blackstone River Valley. Providence, Rhode Island: Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management and the Rhode Island Parks Association.
White, G., 1836. Memoir of Samuel Slater. New York: Augustus M. Kelley.
General works, textile industry:
Aspin, C., 1995. The cotton industry. Aylesbury: Shire.
Aspin, C., 2003. The water spinners. Helmshore: Helmshore Local History Society.
Baines, E., 1835. A history of the cotton manufacture in Great Britain. London: Fisher.
Baines, T. and Fairburn, W., 1867. Lancashire and Cheshire: past and present. London: W. Mackenzie.
Butt, J., 1971. Robert Owen, prince of cotton spinners. Newton Abbot: David and Charles.
Calladine, A. and Fricker, J., 1993. Cheshire textile mills. London: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England.
Chapman, S. D., 1987. The cotton industry in the Industrial Revolution. Basingstoke: Macmillan Education.
Chapman, S. D., 1979. Fixed capital formation in the British cotton industry 1770-1815. Economic History Review, 2nd series, 23, 2, 235-266.
Chapman, S. D., 2002. Hosiery and knitwear: four centuries of small-scale industry in Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Chapman, S. D., 1972. James Longsdon (1745-1821), farmer and fustian manufacturer: the small firm in the English cotton industry. Textile History, 1, 3, 265-292.
Chapman, S. D., 1974. The textile factory before Arkwright: a typology of factory development. Business History Review 32, 4, 235-266.
Cooke, A., 2010. The rise and fall of the Scottish cotton industry. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Donnachie, I. and Hewitt, G. R., 1993. Historic New Lanark: the Dale and Owen industrial community. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Edwards, M. M., 1967. The growth of the British cotton trade 1780-1815. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Fairburn, W., 1864. Treatise on mills and millwork. London: Longman.
Falconer, K. A., 1993. Fire proof mills: the widening perspective. Industrial Archaeology Review, 16, 1, 11-26.
Felkin, W., 1867. History of the machine-wrought hosiery and lace manufactures. Cambridge: Metcalfe.
Giles, C. R., 1992. Yorkshire textile mills 1770-1930. London: HMSO.
Gordon, R. B. and Malone, P. M., 1997. The texture of industry: an archaeological view of the industrialization of North America. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Guest, R., 1823, reprinted 1968. A compendious history of cotton manufacture: with a disproval of the claim of Sir Richard Arkwright… London: Cass.
Haynes, I., 2008. The cotton industry in Hollingworth and Mottram-in-Longdendale. Ashton-under-Lyne: I. Haynes.
Henson, G., 1970; new edition. History of the framework knitters. Nottingham: Sutton.
Hills, R., 2008. Development of power in the textile industry from 1700-1930. Ashbourne: Landmark.
Hume, J. R., 1976-1977. The industrial archaeology of Scotland. London: Batsford.
Jenkins, D. T., 1979. The cotton industry in Yorkshire 1780-1910. Textile History, 10, 75-95.
Kennedy, J., 1819. Observations on the rise and progress of the cotton trade in Great Britain. Memoirs of the Manchester Philosophical Society, 2nd series, 3, 115-137.
Lindstrum, D., 1978. West Yorkshire architects and architecture. London: Lund Humphries.
2000. Nomination of New Lanark for inclusion in the World Heritage List. Edinburgh: Historic Scotland.
Walton, P., 1912. History of textiles. Boston, Massachusetts: J. S. Lawrence.
Ward, L. S., 1927. Romance of the cotton industry in England. London: Oxford University Press.
Williams, M. and Farnie, D. A., 1992. Cotton mills in Greater Manchester. Preston: Carnegie.
Wilson, J. F., 2010. King Cotton: a tribute to Douglas A. Farnie. Lancaster: Crucible.
Wyke, T. and Rudyard, M., 1997. Cotton: a select bibliography on cotton in North West England. Manchester: North West Regional Library Service.
General Works: Derwent Valley/Derbyshire:
Adam, W., 1838. The gem of the Peak. London: Longman.
Aldous, T., 1999. Britain’s industrial heritage seeks world status. History Today, 49, 5, 3-3.
Ashmore, O., 1957. The early textile industry in the Derwent Valley. Derbyshire Miscellany, 5, 56-62.
Becket, J. V., 1988. The East Midlands from AD1000. London: Longman.
Bray, W., 1783. Sketch of a tour into Derbyshire and Yorkshire. London: B. White.
Brighton, T., 2004. The discovery of the Peak District: from Hades to Elysium. Chichester: Phillimore.
Britton, J. and Brayley, E. W., 1802. The beauties of England and Wales, Vol III. London: Vernon and Hood, and others.
Bryan, B., 1903. Matlock manor and parish. London: Bemrose.
1895. Bulmer & Co.’s history, topography and directory of Derbyshire. Preston: T. Bulmer.
Clark, K. R., 2009. Derbyshire’s Derwent Valley: the cradle of early textile development. Fritchley: Fritchley Home Productions.
Cooper, B., 1997. Transformation of a valley: the Derbyshire Derwent. Cromford: Scarthin Books.
Dartington Amenity Research Trust, 1979. Interpreting the Derwent Valley. Matlock: Derbyshire County Council.
Davies, D. P., 1811. A new historical and descriptive view of Derbyshire, from the remotest period to the present time. Belper: Mason.
Derwent Valley Mills Partnership, 2011. The Derwent Valley Mills and their communities. Matlock: Derwent Valley Mills Partnership.
Farey, J., 1813. Agriculture and minerals of Derbyshire, vol II. London: Macmillan.
Glover, S., 1833. History and gazetteer of Derbyshire, vol II. Derby: Henry Mozley.
Glover, S., 1830. The Peak guide. Derby: Henry Mozley.
Gomme, G. L., 1893. Gentleman’s Magazine Library: English Topography part 3. London: Elliott Stock.
Goodwin, I. S., 1977. A study of industrial villages in Derbyshire. Leicester: Leicester Polytechnic School of Architecture.
Joyce, B., 1999. The Derwent Valley. Derbyshire Life & Countryside, 64, 8, 30-22.
Menuge, A., 1993. The cotton mills of the Derbyshire Derwent and its tributaries. Industrial Archaeology Review, 16, 1, 38-61.
Moore, H., 1818. Picturesque excursions from Derby to Matlock Bath… Derby: H. Moore.
Morris, P., 2009. Dissenting men, millionaire radicals: masculine affirmation through scientific and political association in the Derwent Valley c1750-1820. London: University of London, Birbeck College.
Nixon, F., 1969. Industrial archaeology of Derbyshire. Newton Abbot: David and Charles.
Page, W., 1907. Victoria County History of the Counties of England: Derbyshire, vol 2. London: Constable.
Palmer, M. R. and Neaverson, P., 1992. Industrial landscapes of the East Midlands. Chichester: Phillimore.
Pevsner, N., 1978. The buildings of England: Derbyshire. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Phillips, R., 1829. A personal tour through the United Kingdom, no 2: Derbyshire-Nottinghamshire. London: H. Phillips.
Pilkington, J., 1789. A view of the present state of Derbyshire, volume 2. Derby: John Drewry.
Torrington, J. B., 1935. The Torrington diaries 1781-1794. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode.
Unsworth, W., 1971. Portrait of the River Derwent. London: G. and J. Robinson.
Wigfull, P., 2011. Romping lion: the story of the Dakeyne disc engine. Little Longstone: Country Books.
General works: Industrial Revolution and Enlightenment:
Albert, W., 1972. The turnpike road system in England 1663-1840. London: Cambridge University Press.
Allen, R. C., 2009. The British Industrial Revolution in global perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Anderson, P. H., 1973. Forgotten railways: the East Midlands. Newton Abbot: David and Charles.
Ashton, T. S. and Hudson, P., 1996. The Industrial Revolution 1760-1830. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Barnwell, P. S. and other, 2004. The vernacular workshop: from craft to industry, 1400-1900. York: Council for British Archaeology.
Berg, M., 1994. The age of manufactures 1700-1820: industry, innovation and work in Britain. London: Routledge.
Buchanan, R. A., 1974. Industrial archaeology in Britain. London: Allen Lane.
Burton, A., 2001. Remains of a revolution. London: Penguin.
Chambers, J. D., 1960. Industrialisation as a factor in economic growth in England, 1700-1900. Contributions, communications; International Conference of Economic History, 1, 205-215.
Chambers, J. D., 1965. Three essays on the population and economy of the Midlands. Population and History, 1965, 308-351.
Chambers, J. D., 1957. The Vale of Trent 1670-1800: a regional study of economic change. Cambridge: Economic History Society.
Chambers, J. D., 1961. The workshop of the world: British economic history from 1820-1880. London: Oxford University Press.
Chapman, S. D., 1970. The beginnings of industrial Britain. London: University Tutorial Press.
Chapman, S. D., 1992. The early factory masters. Newton Abbot: David and Charles.
Chapman, S. D., 1976. Workers’ housing in the cotton factory colonies 1770-1850. Textile History, 7, 113-116.
Cookson, G., 1994. Innovation, diffusion and mechanical engineers in Britain 1780-1859. Economic History Review, new series, 47, 4, 749-753.
Cossons, N., 1975. The BP book of industrial archaeology. Newton Abbot: David and Charles.
Crump, T., 2010. A brief history of how the Industrial Revolution changed the world. London: Constable-Robinson.
Darwin, E., 1791. The Botanic Garden. London: J. Johnson.
Falconer, K. A., 1980. The guide to England’s industrial heritage. London: Batsford.
Fielden, J., 1836. The curse of the factory system. London: A. Cobbett.
Fox, C., 2009. The arts of industry in the age of enlightenment. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
Hadfield, E. R. C., 1994 Hadfield’s British Canals. Stroud: Alan Sutton.
Harris, J. R., 1997. Industrial espionage and technology transfer: Britain and France in the eighteenth century. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Hills, R. L., 1970. Power in the Industrial Revolution. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
King-Hele, D., 1977. Doctor of revolution: the life and genius of Erasmus Darwin. London: Faber.
King-Hele, D., 1999. Erasmus Darwin: a life of unequalled achievement. London: Giles de la Mare.
Klingender, F. D., 1947. Art and the Industrial Revolution. London: N. Carrington.
Langford, P., 1990. A polite and commercial people: England 1727-1783. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Masters, B., 1997. Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire. London: Allison and Busby.
Mathias, P., 2001. The first Industrial Revolution: an economic history of Britain 1700-1914. London: Routledge.
Mathias, P., 1979. The transformation of England: essays in the economic and social history of England in the 18th century. London: Methuen.
Moritz, K. P., 1986. Journeys of a German in England in 1792. London: Eland.
Musson, A. E., 1969. Science and technology in the Industrial Revolution. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
O’Brien, P. K. and Quinault, R., 1993. The Industrial Revolution and British society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Osborne, R., 2013. Iron, steam and money: the making of the Industrial Revolution. London: Bodley Head.
Pawson, E., 1977. Transport and economy: the turnpike roads of 18th century Britain. London: Academic Press.
Pugh, K., 1983. Estate villages: who cares? London: Save Britain’s Heritage.
Rees, A., 1802-1820. The Cyclopedia or Universal Directory of arts, science and literature. London: Longman.
Richards, J. M., 1958. The functional tradition in early industrial buildings. London: Architectural Press.
Rodgers, B., 1949. Cloak of charity: studies in 18th century philanthropy. London: Methuen.
Rowland, K. T., 1974. Eighteenth century inventions. Newton Abbot: David and Charles.
Schinkel, K. F., 1993. The English journey: journal of a visit to France and Britain in 1826. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
Singer, C. and others, 1958. A history of technology, volume 4: the Industrial Revolution c1750-c1850. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Stratton, M. R. and Trinder, B., 1997. Industrial England. London: Batsford.
Tann, J., 1970. The Development of the factory. London: Cornmarket Press.
Trinder, B., 1992. The Blackwell encyclopedia of industrial archaeology. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Trinder, B., 2012. Britain’s Industrial Revolution: the making of a manufacturing people 1700-1870. Lancaster: Carnegie.
Trinder, B., 1997. The making of the industrial landscape. London: Phoenix Giant.
Ure, A., 1835. The philosophy of manufactures. London: Charles Knight.
Ward, J. T., 1970. The factory system. Newton Abbot: David and Charles.
Weightman, G., 2007. The industrial revolutionaries: the creation of the modern world 1776-1914. London: Atlantic.
Winter, J., 1970. Industrial architecture: a survey of factory building. London: Studio Vista.
Woodall, F. D. 1975. Steam engines and waterwheels a pictorial study of some early mining machines. Buxton: Moorland.
Young, A., 1770. A six months’ tour through the north of England. London: W. Strahan.
Official Publications
(a) Parliamentary Papers
House of Lords Committee on the Health and Morals of Apprentices and others employed in Cotton and other mills etc.
1818 (90) XCVI
House of Lords: An account of the Cotton and Woollen Mills and Factories in the United Kingdom.
1819 (66) III
House of Lords Committee on the State and Condition of Children employed in the Cotton Manufactories of the United Kingdom.
1819 (24) CX
Royal Commission on the Employment of Children in Factories, 1st Report
1833 (450) XX
Royal Commission on the Employment of Children in Factories. Supplementary Reports
1834 (167) XIX, XX
Select Committee on the State of Children employed in the Manufactories of the United Kingdom
1816 (397) III
(b) Maps
Ordnance Survey: 25 inches to 1 mile; 1st edition (c.1888) (Derwent Valley area).
(c) Patents Library
Patent Specification No 931 Arkwright’s Waterframe 1769
Patent Specification No 1111 Arkwright’s Carding Engine 1775
Manuscript Sources
British Library
Additional Manuscripts: Woolley Mss. 6666-6718
Derbyshire Record Office
(a) Quarter Sessions
Papers D Q/RP 1 and 2. Maps and Plans of roads, canals and railways (various).
Enclosure Acts, Awards and Plans. Q/AR/ 10,48,49,56,57 and 91: Q/R 1/115. Q/Ric 11/1-3, 46/1-2 and 107.
Land Tax Returns 1780-1830 (Appletree, Morleston and Litchurch and Wirksworth Hundreds) D. Q/RE.
(b) Other Collections
Arkwright of Wirksworth, D198.
Cromford Brewery Accounts, D2211.
Cromford Canal Navigation permits, D501, 1041, 1265, 1366, 1391, 1534 and 2653.
Enclosure Acts, Awards and Plans, D44Z/B1: D1564: D1437/5/1/1: D2152/6/1.
Nightingale of Lea, D1575, D3585.
Sir Richard Arkwright and Co Cromford and Belper, D3638.
Strutt Papers, D3772, D1564.
Taylor, Simpson and Mosley Papers (Evans of Darley Abbey), D185, D769.
Tithe Awards and Maps, D2360/3/28,52,75,98,136 and 144, D1311, D1473/50/1.
Derby Local Studies Library
Derby Canal Records, D76.
Evans Papers, D162.
Strutt Letters, D125/1-50.
Corporation of London Records Office, Guildhall Library
Royal Exchange and Sun Fire Office, Insurance Registers.
Sheffield Archives
Barker Msss. D193-4
Manchester Local Studies Unit Archives
Samuel Oldknow Papers
Strutt Papers
Papers in private possession
Arkwright Mss
Chatsworth Mss (Devonshire Papers)
Strutt Mss