- Planting a WWI Poppy Field on the Chevin Hillside, with blessing ceremonies.
- Recreating a 1919 temporary war memorial on the Market Place in August 2014 and July 2016 for open air services on key centenaries.
- The Belper in Wartime website with information on the 275 Belper men killed – belperinwartime.org.
- Two drama/song performances in August 2014 and July 2016, created by Belper Arts Festival.
- Research done on Belper during WWI to provide book through Belper Arts Festival for local schools.
- Talks and walks, including tableaux to raise people’s awareness.
- The restoration of the World War 1 Victoria Cross hero’s grave.
- A mobile exhibition on Belper in WW1 for the town’s museum and to be shown at festivals.
- An exhibition on the 14 men killed at the Somme on 1 July 1916.
- A coffee morning fundraiser with traditional WW1 recipes, an exhibition and a talk.
Belper in Wartime

Belper in Wartime
The Belper World War One Commemorations Working Group received £500 from Belper Town Council when it was formed in early 2014, raising a further £807 through activities and donations simply by mainly charging groups for talks and providing refreshments at events.
Belper in Wartime is one of the Projects featured on Derbyshire Lives through the First World War website.
Projects included: