Sites and Visions

Sites and Visions Project
Sites and Visions
The Sites and Visions activities offer an insight into potential ways of engaging in the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage site through creativity. The project pages provide practical guidance and information on how to carry out these activities. Instructions are available as downloadable documents.
Educational Resource
The Derwent Valley Mills Arts Projects have inspired an educational resource DVD supported by information on the web. It builds on the arts activities that have already taken place and will promote creative approaches to learning about the Derwent Valley and its history.
Sites and Visions Videos
Brief Introduction
The Wheel Thing Part 1
The Wheel Thing Part 2
The big knit Part 1:
The Big Knit Part 2:
Listening to Echoes
History in Focus
Making History Part 1
Making History Part 2
Moving through time
Children of the Mills – Voices in Time
Action Part 1:
Action Part 2:
DVD Credits