Research Framework

Research Framework
Encouraging new research into the history and culture of the Site is important to us. The DVMWHS Research Framework is available as a pdf Research Framework, an online document or as an interactive wiki as part of the Research Frameworks Network here. It pioneers an innovative stakeholder-led approach. It fulfils the UNESCO requirement that World Heritage Sites develop robust research frameworks and, by its focus upon research topics and strategies identified during stakeholder workshops, provides an example of a framework developed by rather than for the local research community. It was commissioned by Historic England and the Derwent Valley Mills Partnership in April 2013 and was published in August 2016.
The Research Framework project was led by Dr David Knight of YAT/Trent Peak Archaeology and developed in close liaison with stakeholders in the Derwent Valley. It is modelled upon the template that was developed for the updated Research Agenda and Strategy for the historic environment of the East Midlands.
The agenda and strategy will be updated as research priorities change and as investigations shed light upon the various topics that need study. The framework is not intended to be prescriptive, but is a tool to facilitate research on topics judged by the valley’s stakeholder community to be of particular interest. We have every expectation that both the priorities and the strategies it contains will change as knowledge advances, and as survey and analytical techniques develop.
If you have a research interest in the Derwent Valley or an enquiry about the Framework please contact
Sharing your research
We would love you to share your research, findings or collections that relate to the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site; its key sites, landscapes, people and places. If you would like to share what you have been working on please click this link and fill in the form. Someone will be in touch with you to discuss further. Sharing research through talks, walks, exhibitions, events and projects is something we always want to explore.