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Published Research

reviewed by DVMWHS experts
Waterpower in the Derbyshire Derwent Catchment

A PhD thesis, completed by Dr Ian Jackson (December 2024), investigating the lessons to be learnt from the past harnessing of waterpower, particularly during the Georgian period, to unlock the hydroelectric potential within the Derbyshire Derwent catchment to support community climate change mitigation efforts.

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Global Cotton Connections
Global Cotton Connections

A summary of the Global Cotton Connections and Legacy Makers projects by Dr Susanne Seymour looking at the Derwent Valley Mills and Transatlantic Slavery.

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Charted Territory
Charted Territory

Find out how to access all the digitised historic maps of the Derwent Valley to help you with your research

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Grave Markers at St Matthew's Church
Mill workers grave markers at St Matthew’s Church

This is a biographical study of mill workers commemorated on grave markers at St Matthew’s church Darley Abbey by a team of volunteers with Bright Ideas Nottingham and Dr Stephen Walker.

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Darley Abbey Mills Strike September 1917 to January 1918

Detailing the women factory workers strike from the Walter Evans Co. Ltd. mills by Hazel Thomson and Anna Bourke

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Industrial Folkways

Exploring how industrialisation transformed folk traditions in and around the Derwent Valley during the 1700s and 1800s by Dr Kirsten Leach

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Cromford Village
Cromford 1841

Stephen Hill pulls together information from the 1841 Census and Tithe Award records to build a better picture of who lived where and the social demographic of Cromford at that time.

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The London Mothers at Willersley Castle

The London Mothers at Willersley Castle Research by Heidi Luker, as part of the Great Place Scheme, funded by National Lottery Heritage Fund and Arts Council England

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Willersley Castle Research
Willersley Castle Research

Willersley Castle research paper produced by Barry Joyce and Doreen Buxton with the assistance of David Hool on the history of this important former Arkwright residence

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Oakhill and the Vicarage research
Oakhill and The Vicarage Research

Oakhill and The Vicarage Research produced by Barry Joyce, with assistance by Doreen Buxton and David Hool

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Rock House Research
Rock House Research

Rock House Research paper by David Hool, Doreen Buxton, Barry Joyce and Andrew Barber on this former Arkwright residence. Thanks to the owners and residents who made the investigations possible.

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The PROTection of European Cultural HEritage from GeOhazards) project: application of innovative EO techniques for geohazards assessment in the Derwent Valley Mills WHS.

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