Chesterfield College Projects with DVMWHS

Chesterfield College – Digital and Graphic Student Showcase of work linked to the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage
Over the past few years the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site and Derbyshire Environmental Studies Service have been working with students on Digital and Animation courses and Graphic Design Courses at Chesterfield College. Students were given design briefs and developed and applied their skills to projects and creations that could be used across the site. The padlet below showcases some of the works created by the students. Scroll along each column and click on the videos or documents to view them.
Design briefs given to students:
Digital Students – Water Wheels Brief
We asked the students to communicate using animation how water was used to power the spinning machinery inside the mill buildings throughout the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site.
Digital Students – Belper Mills Brief
The project brief looked at sharing what was special about the mills in Belper and/or using a character to welcome people to Strutt’s North Mill in Belper.
Digital Students – Millworkers Brief
Students were asked to look at the lives and activities inside the mill. Some focused on a ‘day in the life’ of the millworkers. Or the idea of cats and mice chasing around the mill machinery and cotton bales.
Digital Students – Transport Brief
Students were tasked with showing how transport has changed through the ages from the 1700s packhorses, through canals, stage coaches and steam railway all changing how the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site area transported goods through time.
Graphic Design Students – Young Entrepreneurs Project
Graphic Design students took part in our Young Entrepreneurs Project as part of the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site Great Place Scheme, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Arts Council England. The students formed small company groups (Molashoran, ASAP, EMC Graphics and Look Through) and collaborated to create products and designs inspired by the Cromford Canal and the Birdswood Trip Boat that would be suitable for sale from the Friends of Cromford Canal shop. The students visited the site, were coached by a professional graphic designer, created designs and pitched their ideas to experts from the site. Products included postcards, badges, colouring cards, wall art, cloth bags, beer mats, 3-D magnets and gift cards. You can find out more about our Young Entrepreneurs project and access the free to download leaders resources to run your own heritage inspired enterprise project from here.
The amazing work from the graphics students is below:
Molashoran: Beermats and Coasters
ASAP: Postcards, Colouring Cards and Badges
EMC: Bags and Postcards
Look Through: Postcards and Magnets
Look Through: Prints and Postcards