Adults and Young Adults

Adults and Young Adults – Learning
It’s always a good time to learn – and we offer a range of both formal and informal learning activities aimed at adults and young adults.
What was it like living in Derbyshire in the 18th Century? Was Sir Richard Arkwright a good boss?
Events throughout the year combine informal activities with learning opportunities for example: how to make stage blood and fog and use them in scenes from Shakespeare; how to trace your family history; or be inspired to find out more about the cultural heritage, the industrial history and the people who made it.
Take a leisurely stroll through the heart of the Derwent Valley whilst learning about its history from one of our tour guides, watch demonstrations on traditional techniques such as wood crafting, or learn how to make a mosaic.
We’ve shared some of the resources and past opportunities below.

Derwent Valley Mills Inspired Poetry
Over the years the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site has been used to inspire many different poets. We have shared some here for you to enjoy and be inspired by.

Chesterfield College Projects with DVMWHS
Digital and Graphic Student Showcase of work linked to the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage

DVMWHS Adult Activities Loan Box
This loan box can be used alongside a talk about the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site or before or after a mill site visit.

Older People's Memories of the Mills Loan Box
This resource loan box is designed for use with older adults perhaps in a day centre or care home setting

WHS Ambassador Training for Belper
Would you like to be an ambassador for Belper? Calling all business owners, shop workers - anyone who comes face-to-face with visitors and the public in Belper Town Centre: Take part in the scheme that helped Belper win a national award - it's free!