Spin A Tale 2021

Spin A Tale – part of Darley Abbey Day Saturday 8th May 2021
The premiere of “Spin A Tale” took place on Saturday 8th May 2021 in support of the Darley Abbey Day celebrations Past, Present & Future.
During the live online event, Constella OperaBallet took viewers on a virtual journey of enchanting performances, spinning tales through music, dance, song, theatre and design to explore and celebrate Darley Abbey’s place in history and the wider Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site.
In partnership with Darley Abbey Day 2021 and Darley Abbey Community Association, internationally renowned artists Constella OperaBallet have created an exciting series of short films featuring singers, dancers and choirs from Derbyshire including Déda Youth Company, dancers from Derby University and individual voices from across the county and beyond. This was the final in a series of major arts commissions for the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site Great Place Scheme.
Watch the recorded online event by clicking on the link below including the film premieres and insights and behind the scenes info about the project.
In the Village itself you can follow the trail of beautiful bobbin and bunting art installations which will be in situ until 23rd May 2021.

Help the Darley Abbey Community Association to raise funds for a much needed First Responder Unit in the village plus support the upkeep of the Village Hall and St Matthew’s Church: You can donate via the link below:
Water Hymn
Water Hymn opera-ballet film Inspired by the Darley Pageant by Wendy Bitton, this brand new opera-ballet pays homage to the unceasing energy of the River Derwent that gave power to the former cotton industry. To view the filmed performance, click on the link below. Choreography Sarah-Louise Kristiansen Words & music Leo Geyer Costume Sebastian Freeburn […]

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Evolutionary Cycles
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Hanging by A Thread
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Introit, Fauré’s Requiem
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Brick Row
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Darley Abbey & Me
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Spin A Tale Bunting & Bobbins
Help to create the longest strand of bunting possible for Darley Abbey Day 2021 on 8th May! We’re inviting you to help create the longest strand of bunting possible, inspired by the history of Darley Abbey! This is part of Constella OperaBallet’s ‘Spin A Tale’ arts commission, and will be installed throughout Darley Abbey from […]

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