Derby Museums

Derby Museums
Derby Museums offers a wealth of school sessions across their city centre sites (Pickford’s House, Derby Museum and Art Gallery and soon the new Museum of Making at Derby Silk Mill), helping you to both cover your National curriculum needs and engage in memorable experiences with your pupils – in inspirational learning spaces!
Visit us free of charge for a self-guided session or choose from one of our wide range of facilitated sessions either at the museum or as outreach in your own setting.
We listen to our teachers and have introduced a number of new sessions to meet the requirements of a changing national curriculum.
For details of the facilitated sessions please see the Derby Museum website.
For Secondary Schools – FixcCamp Summer School Programme
Are you planning a summer school transition opportunity for incoming year 7s, funded by the DfE’s “Summer Schools programme”? If so, Derby Museums may have just the opportunity for you!
‘FixCamp’ transition opportunity for year 7s (summer 2021):
With the opening of Derby’s NEW Museum of Making just around the corner, we’re excited to offer an opportunity for a local school to take part in ‘FixCamp’, this coming August, as part of our wider schools programme.
‘FixCamp for Schools’ at the Museum of Making will be a 3-day (non-residential) summer camp for up to 60 pupils transitioning into year 7. Packed with hands-on opportunities to ‘think big and make big’ in our brand-new workshops, studios and gallery spaces, FixCamp will support learners in gaining confidence and developing key STEAM skills including collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking and making.
If you haven’t already, we’d highly recommend checking out DfE’s “Summer Schools programme” as a funding option for FixCamp (with a deadline to complete the DfE sign up form by 7 May), and would be happy to support in identifying additional local organisations to work with alongside ourselves, as part of your school’s summer programme.
To find out more about FixCamp for schools, pricing, and/or register your interest please contact
What is ‘FixCamp’?
FixCamp is a design and making activity camp for the problem-solvers of tomorrow. FixCamp encourages creative and critical exploration of new ideas and technologies through discussion, teamwork and large-scale making.
Combining design, engineering, technology, art and architecture, FixCamp challenges campers to apply their imagination and skills to solve real-world problems linked to housing, transport and leisure. Drawing on the UN sustainable development goals (SDG) framework as a basis for looking at global challenges, FixCamp challenges teams to build their solutions, demonstrating how deep understanding and big thinking can be inspired through hands-on making and collaboration.
Every activity in FixCamp carries the message that it’s possible to shape the world around you through making ideas real. Throughout FixCamp, learners model the behaviours and attitudes necessary to make change in their own life and in the wider world. From making tools and tool belts, mastering simple and complex skills, to creating and collaborating – voicing ideas and building big to represent them.